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Articles tagged with: migratie

DOCMAN menu error na migratie naar J25

Na de migratie van DOCman van Joomla 1.5 naar 2.5 bleek het toevoegen van DOCman aan het menu niet helemaal goed te gaan. Bij het benaderen van het menu item, werd je meteen naar een 404-pagina geredirect.


Fixing up stuff in joomla 2.5.1

Fixing up stuff in joomla 2.5.1

Now that I got my template working it is time to start fixing things in my joomla 2.5.1 installation. Following the guide / log from the SP upgrade extension, we'll see how far we get with the basic stuff and then it's time to start replacing the not upgraded stuff like editors, extensions and plugins.

From joomla 1.0 to 2.5

joomla-15-to-25Sometimes, you hang on to the old stuff as long as possible. One of my clients had an joomla 1.0.15 site, which didn't change that much over time, so we hadn't taken the time to migrate to 1.5. Time to make a change...

Migration from 1.5.25 to 2.5.1 - plan B

Migration from 1.5.25 to 2.5.1 - plan B

Plan A, migrating from Joomla 1.5.25 to Joomla 2.5.1 did sort of work, but not good enough that I was happy with the results.

Time for plan B.

Plan B is simply migrating NOT with jUpgrade, but with SP upgrade, a commercial migration tool, which hopefully, - they promised on their website- will leave all article ID's and such intact, therefor less to fix after migrating.