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Eventlist tested

14 June 2010

It has some nice features. First, i created the two venues, or the workshop center locations. Then, I created the groups Microsoft and Adobe and started adding some events. It was all very straight forward in the backend, so this all looks very promising. 

I installed both provided modules and started to play around with them, the first is the Latest events module, and the second the Event list Wide.

Both, I encountered some problems with.
The latest events module only has the option to either show date and title, or date and venue. Of course, I wanted date, title AND venue in my list.
It took some searching (the forum is spammed, very annoying) but finally found a modification of the Latest events module there, which I replaced and then my problem was solved. The module now shows what I want it to do.

Then the List Events Wide module. Also looking promising, and I could find pages where I wanted to publish this, it is more detailed and with events picture, but no matter how I tried to tell it by ID to display just events from one venue or category, it kept listing ALL events. Searching for this problem took a bit longer, but it all came down on one missing point in the code. Having changed that, it works nice now as well.

Another very nice module from an extern party is Event list teaser by Eifel Webdesign. You can find it on the extensions list on It shows a nice calender image with month and date on it, if you want also the event image and you can select venues, categories, etc. to decide which events it is supposed to show.

So enough to play with, now it is time to customize / style it.

One thing I haven"t been able to figure out: you can select in the modules to only display upcoming events, but so far, no matter how I try, if past events are still published, it shows them as well. What you can do is set some parms in the backend to archive or delete past events, but then you have to manually activate the clean-up process. Or you can simply unpublish the events. But somehow, the modules shouldn"t display past events, no matter their publish-state, right?

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