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Migration from 1.5.25 to 2.5.1 - plan B

07 February 2012

I found this extension on, and you can find the details here: SP upgrade

The extension cost me € 25,-- so let's see if that is worth the money. I've got version 1.2.4.

This extension works a bit different than jUpgrade. As to where jUpgrade installs a new Joomla 2.5 for you in a subdirectory and then you install jUpgrade itself in your Joomla 1.5.25 website, SP upgrade needs you to do your own Joomla 2.5.x installation first, without sample data, then you install the extension in the new 2.5.x website.


Download the Dutch joomla 2.5.1 package, unzip it and upload it to a subdirectory on my company's website. Create a database, a database user and run the Joomla installation process, without installing sample data. Check.


Backup Joomla 1.5.25 site. Already done, when I was working on plan A. Did I mention that plan A hardly ever works? Back up is okay, though, so check.


Install SP upgrade in joomla 2.5.1 website. Check. It immediately gives you an input screen where you have to fill the details of your joomla 1.5.25 installation:


 So I filled in my database user, password and database name, along with the installation path of your joomla 1.5 site.

Really nice is this extension already shows you the installation path to the new joomla 2.5 path, so you can change it without having to look it up in the config of your joomla 1.5-site.

There's also the option to choose what to upgrade. Do I want to choose? Nope. Want it all!

It even has an option to upgrade the template, so you need to fill in your template name. Did that. Can't wait if it gives me an installable template file. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Well. Time to hit the big (it's actually very small) MIGRATE button.

duplicate-entryCheck your browser pop-up stuff, 'cause it launches a pop-up window and logs what it is doing. Cool! When migration is done, it leaves you with a detailed report of what was migrated and what was not. The what was not part also gives you clues on to why not, which is very nice. At least now you have a check list of what to correct.

Some of the why-not's were duplicate entry's, f.i. in my contacts and weblink categories. Will have to check that.

And guess what.

The report states it's got a upgraded templte ready, and even gives instructions on how to install it from the directory where it's put the files. Isn't that nice?

Scrolling down through my report, I can also find a note that an menu item alias and an article alias has been renamed, Another thing that is really nice to know and check.

Last but not least, is the report on "HOW TO PROCEED". Do this, fix that.

SP upgrade 2

128 (16)

Can I tell you I already love plan B?

Now, without fixing anything yet, let's see what the site looks like in joomla 2.5.1.

Reddie Webdesign-home reddie-joomla251-nieuw

And voila. That looks better than with jUpgrade already. Apparently, SP upgrade DOES mark front page items as featured items, so that works straight out of the box. Also my menu items which link ot single articles work, no problems with the article ID's at all.

That answers one question, do you migrate with jUpgrade or with SP update? SP update it is.

Now it is time to start fixing the stuff that needs fixing, time to try and get the template up and running and migrate the extensions.

I'll be back.

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